My Life(109)
Sapporo(삿포르)-Japan (Conference-2008)
- The 9th Japan, Korea, and Taiwan International Joint Conference of Radiological Technologists - - 제9차 일한대국제공동학술대회 - 2008년 7월 9일부터 13일까지 일본 훗가이도 삿포르에서 개최되었던 제 9차 일한대국제공동학술대회를 다녀왔다. 이중 학술대회에 대한 추억을 먼저 남긴다. 이번 학술대회는 블라드보스톡과 같은 위도에 위치해서 여름에도 선선하다는 삿포르에서 열렸다. 예년과는 다르게 한국, 대만, 일본의 회원이 발표하는 국제세션에 52편이 논문이 접수되어 삿포르의 인기를 실감케 하였다. 도한, 2박 3일 동안 열리는 일본 방사선사들의 제24회 전국방사선사학술대회에는 각 분야별로 205편의 구연과 다수의 포스터가 전시..
2008.08.20 -
2008 - A Study of Delay Time of Early Phase in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced 3D Breast MRI
- Second Author - A Study of Delay Time of Early Phase in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced 3D Breast MRI Eun Sung Kim, Ho Namkoong, Hak Moon Kim, Soon Sub Cho, Kwang Nam Choi MRI center, Department of Radiology, Seoul National University Hospital I. Purpose: Recently advanced volume imaged breast assessment (VIBRANT) has been widely used for morphological and contrast-kinetic information available from..
2008.08.02 -
2007 - A technical report of bilateral DCE 3D Breast MRI using mask phase in multi phase function.
- The 16th AACRT (India, Chandhigra) - 발표 A technical report of bilateral DCE 3D Breast MRI using mask phase in multi phase function. Ho. NamKoong, HM. Kim, WJ. Jung, ES. Kim, KN. Choi, CK. Choi. Department of diagnostic radiology, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea. I. Purpose: Recently advanced volume imaged breast assessment (VIBRANT) has been widely used for morphological and c..
2008.08.02 -
2005 - Analysis of Repeated MRI (in 2004).
- The 15th ACRT (Japan ,Tokyo) - 발표. Analysis of Repeated MRI (in 2004). Ho NamKoong, YongHwan Shin, KwangNam Choi. Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea. I. Purpose: MRI examinations, despite their technological advances, often have to be repeated more than other examinations due to the complexity of capturing the human anatomical and pathological ..
2008.08.02 -
2004 - Usefulness of the Closed-mouth View Compared with the Open-mouth View in Cervical Spine Computed Radiography (CR)
경추에서 폐구(閉口)위 촬영법의 임상적 유용성에 대한 고찰. (개구(開口)위 촬영법과 비교해서) 남궁호, 김상현, 조재영, 김형기, 조기태, 이용우. 서울대학교병원 진단방사선과. - abstracts - Usefulness of the closed-mouth view compared with the open-mouth view in cervical spine computed radiography (CR). Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea. Ho NamKoong, R.T., Sanghyun Kim, R.T., Kitae Cho, R.T., Yongwoo Lee, R.T. Purpose: ..
2008.08.01 -
2001 - Contrast-Enhanced 3D MR Venography of Inferior Vena Cana: Preliminary Study.
- 11th ISMRM/SMRT (England ,Glasgow)- 발표