2008 Suzuka, Japan - EACRT Practical Meeting
2008 Practical Meeting of the International Accrediation Board for Radiological Technologists (IABSRT) and East Asia Conference of Radiological Technologists (EACRT) We, Cho (the president of KRTA), Chang (the director of the committee of Special Radiological Technologists of KRTA), Jeon (scretary of KRTA) and NamKoong (director of International Affairs KRTA), attended the 2008 Practical Meeting..
2008.12.22 -
64th JRC 2008 (Yokohama, Japan)
64th Annual Scientific Congress, JSRT (Japanese Society of Radiological Technology) - JRC (Japan Radiology Congress of Medical Congress Promotion) 2008년 4월 3일부터 6일까지 일본, 요코하마, 파시피코 요코하마 (Pacifico Yokohama)에서 열리는 JRC ((Japan Radiology Congress of Medical Congress Promotion, 구 JMCP) - 64th Annual Scientific Congress, JSRT (Japanese Society of Radiological Technology)에 다녀왔다. 본학술대회는 매년 4월에 요코하마에서 개최..